Free Art Fair 2024|Open Call for Artists Around the World

Deadline for Entries: Sep. 10 2024 at 11:59 pm TST.




Free Art Fair serves as a platform that breaks down barriers, nurturing unrestricted artistic expression.  Artists and collectives worldwide converge here to freely create and exchange ideas. Emerging talents eagerly await discovery, gaining visibility among international curators, art media, and collectors. By fostering ultimate freedom, we envision the realization of all creative possibilities.  Since 2014, YIRI LIVING Foundation has hosted Free Art Fair, aiming to foster dialogue and imagination beyond conventional visual boundaries.





Open to all artists across all art forms, responding creatively to the theme “Metamorphosis.

What You Get
All selected artists will be offered a booth at Free Art Fair, scheduled for November 1-3, 2024. Additionally, 1 First Prize and 10 Judges’ Prizes will be awarded during the event.


2024 徵件主題:變形記

THE THEMEMetamorphosis

「唯獨自由這個詞還能讓我感到興奮不已。我以為這個詞最適合用來長久地維持人類的狂熱。」安德烈‧布列東 André Breton






“The mere word freedom is the only one that still excites me. I deem it capable of indefinitely sustaining the old human fanaticism.” — André Breton

In 1924, as the world was still reeling from the upheaval of World War I and the influenza pandemic, the first Surrealist Manifesto was published in Paris. It embodied a powerful spirit of anarchism and revolution, striving to develop means of resisting oppressive systems and imagining a future founded on freedom and equality. What began as a literary movement ignited an artistic revolution, liberating creative imagination from the constraints of reason and traditional morality. This movement influenced nearly every form of cultural production and gradually shaped the collective imagination of subsequent generations. Today, we use the term “surreal” to describe things that are beyond imagination and comprehension.

In the same year, Kafka’s life quietly concluded amid the social upheaval of the time. In The Metamorphosis, he captured the unease and anxiety felt by people entering the industrial age of the early 20th century. He pondered the possibilities for humanity when the external world had become absurd, and life itself resembled a series of internal nightmares and metaphors.

In 2024, as we emerge from the shadow of COVID-19 and face ongoing geopolitical conflicts, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by artificial intelligence, sweeps across the globe. If algorithms can think and feel, how do we recalibrate our understanding of reality and humanity? A century later, we grapple with issues and seek solutions much like the generation that saw the rise of Surrealism. What insights can contemporary life draw from this?

The 6th edition of Free Art Fair in 2024, themed “Metamorphosis,” employs surrealism as a verb—unleashing the subversive power of perception to challenge the various issues of our time. Our aim is to explore previously undefined terms, which may be fantastical, transformative, or possibly hybrid, to narrate a world full of infinite possibilities and freedom.

This winter, as Breton once said, let Surrealism become the “invisible light” that will one day help us overcome our adversaries. “All roses will turn blue, and trees will become glass.”



活動日期:2024111日(五)至113日(日) 12:00-18:00

Dates: Friday, November 1, 2024, to Sunday, November 3, 2024, 12:00PM-6:00PM
Venue: POPOP Taipei (No. 13, Section 2, Nangang Road, Nangang District, Taipei City 115028)



首獎1名,首獎獎金NT$ 200,000
評審獎10名,每名獎金NT$ 20,000

First prize: 1 winner, NT$ 200,000
Judges’ prizes: 10 winners, NT$ 20,000 each
*Prizes are subject to income tax under the laws of the Republic of China. A 10% withholding tax applies to Taiwan residents, and a 20% withholding tax applies to non-residents. 




Booth Fee: Free
Booth Size: 300×150cm (floor space, no walls provided)
Equipment Provided: One 110V power outlet
Notes: Please include an exhibition layout with your submission.
*The committee reserves the right to adjust booth arrangements.



  •  徵件截止日期:2024年910日(二)11:59 PM 台北時間
  • 發送入選通知信件:2024年9月16日(一)
    請入選者務必於指定日期前以 E-mail 回覆「參展確認」,未完成入選通知回覆者,視同放棄展出,將開放遞補名額。未獲入選者,恕不另行通知。
  • 公告參展名單:2024101日(二)
  • 布展日期:20241031日(四)12:00-21:00
  • 活動日程:2024111日(五)至113日(日)12:00-18:00
  • 撤展日期:2024113日(日)18:30-21:00
  • Online SubmissionOpens from now until Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM TST.
    Submit online via Free Art Fair official website (click the ‘APPLY’ button.)
    *Submissions that are incomplete, late, or do not include all required materials will not be accepted.
  • Artists whose submissions are selected for the event will be notified via email from Monday, September 16, 2024.  Selected artists must confirm their participation by replying via email. Failure to confirm by the specified date will result in disqualification. Unselected artists will not be notified.
  • Announcement of Exhibitors: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
  • Installation DateThursday, October 31, 2024, 12:00PM-9:00PM
  • Event DatesFriday, November 1, 2024, to Sunday, November 3, 2024, 12:00PM-6:00PM
  • Dismantling DateSunday, November 3, 2024, 6:30PM-9:00PM



  • 嚴禁生火、使用瓦斯與燃放煙火爆竹、使用明火等可能危及歷史建築安全之行為。
  • 嚴禁以漿糊、膠紙、膠水、鐵釘、雙面泡棉膠等任何黏著之材料使用於瓶蓋工廠台北製造所內外壁面、地面及其他非參展者個人設備之上。
  • 瓶蓋工廠台北製造所內外場地嚴禁使用鋼釘、噴漆、電焊等方式施工。
  • 嚴禁將展品、物品固定或懸掛於室內外展覽場地之壁面、樑柱、天花板、屋頂等既有結構上。
  • 因園區空間有限,恕無法提供參展者任何車輛之進出。
  • 參展者之所有展品、個人物品均應自行保管,並自行辦理保險。
  • 參展者之所有展品、個人物品,如有遺失或毀損,主辦單位恕不負責。
  • 參展者需自行處理交易與稅務,主辦單位恕不負責。
  • 因展場空間有限,主辦單位無提供倉儲、寄物空間。
  • 參展者之展品、裝潢材料及廢棄物應於撤場期限前全部清除完畢並運離瓶蓋工廠台北製造所。
  • No open flames, gas, fireworks, or activities that could endanger the safety of the historical building.
  • Avoid using adhesive materials such as paste, tape, glue, nails, or double-sided foam tape on the walls, floors, or surfaces within POPOP Taipei.
  • Construction methods involving steel nails, spray paint, welding, etc., are strictly prohibited inside and outside of POPOP Taipei.
  • Exhibits and items must not be fixed or hung on the walls, beams, ceilings, or roofs of the indoor and outdoor exhibition areas.
  • Due to limited space, vehicles cannot enter the premises for exhibitors.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for the safekeeping and insurance of all exhibits and personal items.
  • The organizer is not liable for any loss or damage to exhibitors’ exhibits or personal items.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for handling transactions and taxes independently; the organizer does not assume responsibility.
  • No storage facilities are available due to limited space at the venue.
  • All exhibits, decoration materials, and waste must be completely removed from POPOP Taipei by the end of the dismantling period.



  • 一旦完成申請報名,即代表參展者已詳細閱讀「2024台北藝術自由日活動辦法」並同意相關約定條款。
  • 主辦單位保有最終修改本活動辦法之權利,詳細以活動官方網站公布為準。
  • 若有任何相關疑問,請E-mail[email protected]詢問。
  • By completing the submission, artists acknowledge that they have read and agree to the “Free Art Fair 2024 Event Regulations”.
  • The committee reserves the right to modify the event regulations. For details, please refer to the official website.
  • For any questions, please contact [email protected]